Underfloor Insulation

What is Under Floor Insulation?
Under Floor Insulation (UFI) is when a layer of insulated material is installed under the floorboards but above either concentrate or timber wood, depending on the age of the property. Typically, a property will only need to install UFI within the ground floor. However, if your property has any floors (for example) above a garage this can also be insulated. The aims of UFI is to not trap heat but to prevent heat loss.
The benefits of UFI:
  • Keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer
  • Reduces cold air coming through your floor
  • Reduces your energy bills
  • Reduces your carbon footprint
  • Immediately reduces draught 

Is UFI cost effective?
This insulation can reduce your energy bills of up to £75 per year. With the recent launch of the Green Homes Grant, if you are ‘able to pay’, this grant will cover you for two thirds of your home improvements costs, capped at £5,000. Within this grant, UFI is listed as a primary measure. For more information, please visit the consumer advice page.
Can you receive UFI for free?
With the launch of the Green Homes Grant, if you live in England and are on income support you can apply for 100% of a grant, capped at £10,000. Look at our Installer List for more information.
How do you apply for UFI?
When you decide to install Cavity Wall Insulation into your property, ensure this is being completed by a trusted and regulated installer. Pick an Installer near you from The IAAs Installer List to ensure your property is covered by a 25 year guarantee Selecting an IAA Installer, you have the peace of mind knowing your installation is carried out by a regulated installer to the highest possible standard.