Frequently Asked Questions


Do The IAA offer RIRI or UFI guarantees if there is no System Designer specification?
The IAA/ CIGA provide guarantees for RIRI and UFI as well as a number of other measures. Ideally all measures would be systemised meaning that it is installed to a System Designer
 specification however this is not the case for some measures. UFI and RIRI guarantees are administered by The IAA and CIGA, provided they are installed and meet the End to End membership criteria.
This means that installs are:
  • Installed under The IAA ISA
  • Installed under The IAA PAS (meeting the requirements of PAS2030-19 & PAS 2035)
  • Adhering to our Best Practice Technical guidance
Evidence will need to be provided through audit that the correct product and install process is being carried out. 

All IAA Members have support and access to a library of materials including Best Practice, Technical Notes and other relevant documentation. To apply for The IAA Membership, fill out the online form here or email the team on


Do I need to be carded for a particular System Designer to carry out Underfloor, Room in Roof or Loft insulation work?

No, whilst we believe a systems approach to installing these measures is a better option providing installers are using the IAA PAS, ISA Platform and working to our own best practice using CE marked materials we are happy to issue a guarantee for these measures.


What training is required to carry out these measures?
The IAA has chaired and led working groups for the development of new qualifications (National Occupational Standards) for all insulation measures. Whilst these qualifications and standards are being ratified, Installers should hold or be working towards a qualification under the old NVQ’s for Cavity, UFI, EWI, IWI and Loft. If qualifications and standards are currently not in place you will required evidence that you are working to MTC’s validated via a CIGA PAS 2030 audit.

Does The IAA offer workshops and events to support member installers on specific issues, such as claims companies?
Yes, The IAA in association with CIGA provides extensive training and support for members including legal advice. Bookmark this page for more updates and questions answered. This page will be updated weekly.

Are there extra charges for deposit protection insurance?
No, Installers who use the IAA ISA platform are protected for deposit purposes from the point of submission removing the requirement for a separate policy – currently charged by other providers at £15.
Does the IAA offer cost effective guarantees?
The IAA End to End offer linked to the CIGA and IAA guarantee, provides significant economies of scale reducing the overall cost of the guarantee. In comparison to cumulative competitor offers, deposit protection payment and externally sourced alternative PAS and ISA services.